A teenager just can't learn how to grow up in the ruined world he lives in. So how does he cope? He doesn't. He knows that he and the world don't go together. But he's okay with that...beacause at least he knows where he's going.

Monday, August 29, 2005

So Long, Astoria

After such a long time of no posts, here we are!

School started a week ago, but for me I won't be in school mode until this Thursday. And my two weeks off of work is over this week too.

Until I'm fully out of that mode, I'm gonna bask in the memories of this last summer.

I got employed. For the first time saw the aftermath of two girls' hearts I broke. I got the cops called on me. I had my first real encounter with death. I developed a lifelong friendship from hundreds of miles away. I helped a homeless man. I started working out and weight-lifting. I had a personal experience (finally) with the Mormon pioneers. I learned a lot about how to treat girls and I've achieved some very good tips as far as dating goes. So my social life stepped up a notch or two. I started writing songs and music. I sunburned. I shook hands with a miracle. I wake-skated. I learned how to stand up for one's convictions when no one else would. I started liking rap, country, Spanish pop music and (*gasp*) Final Fantasy VII. And best of all, I learned how to be a friend.

Suicide was contemplated again.I fell back into the darkness I've tried my whole life to escape and will continue to run from. I finally realized once and for all what my destiny is, what choice I must make, and what sacrifice I must make. I awakened some sleeping premortal memories and learned what I must do to awaken more. And for the fifth time, I moved out of Babylon.

This was the last summer. I will never again truly have a summer vacation. But this last summer was the one I learned the most and gained the most from. And I found out what to do with my future and what I must do and can do with the rest of my life. I found out how to find the best kind of treasure. And I have all these stories and memories I'll always cherish dearest to my heart.

And so I say goodbye one last time to my ever-fading childhood and teenage years. It would seem that I have been unsucessful in escaping the inevitable...

I'm grown up.

So long, Astoria
I found a map to buried treasure
Even if we come home empty-handed,
We'll still have our stories
Of battle scars, pirate ships, and wounded hearts
Broken bones, and all the best of friendships.

And when this hourglass has filtered out
Its final grain of sand,
I'll raise my glass to the memories we had.

This is my wish, [and I'm taking 'em back]
I'm taking 'em all back.


Blogger Lindsey said...

And there's also this:

Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you'll finally get it right

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:15:00 PM

Blogger miss terri said...

i learned a lot this summer too. i wasn't quite the summer that i'd anticipated, but i'm not sure that i'd change it if i had the chance. extend it maybe, but change it...
i traveled more than i've ever done before, got a glimpse of life outside of happy valley, felt my family's sacrifices for me on an in-depth, personal level, i broke myself twice by rejecting my dream jobs, cracked myself in keeping myself away from heartache and pain, and watched two of my grandparents slip through the veil, seeing true love. i felt true love from my savior in my scripture binge (b.o.m. on 2 weeks! mmmm, spirituality oozing out my eyeballs. that's a feast for ya.) and my bestest female buddy ever came home from argentina, giving my a magnified veiw on how not so happy the valley is. missionaries are my favorite! i'm gonna marry one of those, if not be one some day. gospel's TRUE! i love it. and need to go read scriptures and do ems homork.
....k bye! :D (i really wish i could should wiggly eyebrows when writing)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:47:00 PM

Blogger Mavis Fausker said...

It's good to hear such a positive summary of people's summers. Well, maybe not all positive, but very conclusively positive, if I'm making any sense.

Monday, September 05, 2005 12:09:00 PM

Blogger miss terri said...

yeah, i like it. i still want wiggly eyebrows.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:55:00 PM


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