A teenager just can't learn how to grow up in the ruined world he lives in. So how does he cope? He doesn't. He knows that he and the world don't go together. But he's okay with that...beacause at least he knows where he's going.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sure Things Fall

Right now I'm in Orem High's school musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I really wish I wasn't in it, because it's a huge amount of stress in my life, and if I could I would quit. But oh well. Saturday night was personally my worst night because I danced so badly. That's all I do. I walk across the stage in the overture to get a haircut and then I dance during the social. What a waste. And...who would guess that the lead, Jeff Smith, is obsessed with Kingdom Hearts II? There's a techie who plays it in the technician's booth, too. I spoiled one or two things...self control!!!!!! Again, for anyone who has an interest and an hour's worth of free reading time, go to kingdomheartsnovel.blogspot.com to check out the beginning of a Kingdom Hearts novel.

By the way, King Kong is only worth seeing once, if at all. Gosh, that was such a waste of a movie. Adrien Brody was awesome, though. Jack Black, stupid as usual. Naomi Watts...practically all she did was scream and slowly turn around at the next monster spying on her (sooo annoying). Brody and the guy who plays the teenage character Jimmy (remniscent of Henry from Crane's The Red Badge of Courage) were the only good actors. Basically, there was too much packed into the film. Jackson tried to make it another epic. There were some great moments, true, but they were few and far between annoyances like unrealistic and dragged out action scenes. Kudos to James Newton Howard for the score, though (especially given what he had to work with).

But Just Like Heaven is a great film. That's the first chick-flick I've ever "Aww"ed during a romantic moment...okay, maybe I did it during Pride and Prejudice but not really. That was more of an "Ohhh" moment. (...Girls know what I'm talking about, okay?!) There was a really good "Aww" moment during Just Like Heaven. Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon make a great couple. And Jon Heder (famous as Napolean Dynamite) was good. I loved his character.

Okay, shutting up about movies. One of my true heros right now is Jeff Smith. He's so friendly. I love his guts. Him and Corey Mann and Josh Workman. Awesome people. I love being surrounded by awesome people. Oh, and Steven Stucki. Gosh, he gave a great testimony in seminary the other day. Stucki is such a great kid. Love that kid. And Eric Sackett and Jacob Swain, and McKenna, Chelsea, Abe, Erica, Megan, Emily Hill, Kristen, Elisa, Justin, Paul...wow. I have a lot of friends.

Ben's been having issues lately. So has Preston, Lindsey, and everyone close to me. I wish I could help them. I'm just not enough, though. Still I will fight on.


Blogger nicole said...

That is sooooooo cool! I love that movie! Well i am in OREGON right now! It's spring break for us! I miss talking to you! Blog me!

Monday, April 03, 2006 10:46:00 AM

Blogger miss terri said...

i've heard that it's good. i want to come see the wedding party, but there is no oil in my lamp and i have not with which to buy. so i will stay in the dark and play kick-the-can with my brothers. party on.

Monday, April 03, 2006 1:24:00 PM

Blogger Lindsey said...

Oh, you are help. You can't do everything for everyone, though.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:50:00 PM

Blogger nicole said...

Hey haven't heard form you for a while so just keep in touch!

Monday, April 10, 2006 8:35:00 PM


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